Monday, April 20, 2015

#5 Road to ICSI - Comfortable

Been asking around to those people who already succeed with their IVF/ICSI procedure.
Lots of questions and tips asked.
But 1 thing for sure, BED REST is a must!

BED REST means u can't go to work, eat, pray all on the bed.
U are only allowed to go to the toilet and perform Solat of course.
Itupon Solat duduk.


So being me, thinking wayyy outside the box, I told DH, we need to find a SOFA BED!


Apa kena mengena ayte?
DH pon pelik.

I told him, I can imagine myself lying on our bed, in the room, watching a 40" TV from far can get me bored to death.
And I want to rest in our living hall.
Lebih nyaman, got more sunlights, TV lagi besar, got DVD player, got PS4 and all kind of reason I could think of.

Manja me? Yeah, I know.

And to lie down on our sofa will not keep me comfortable.
DH rejected the idea of having a SOFA BED.
He even asked "Nak letak mana pulak sofa tu?"
I told him to remove 1 of the 3 seater sofa.

"Abis nak bagi sapa sofa tu?"

Ok, pening jap.

DH terus je ckp, beli katil single bujang tu je senang.
Dah abis pakai nanti boleh dismantle letak dlm stor.

Punah impian nak sofa baru.



  1. hehehhe... both my icsi, i rested kt umah my MIL. memang dok dlm bilik je... baring...bosan...

    1. itulah i dok terbayang kalau dok dlm bilik sesorang cmne la i ni..

  2. Mrs.z,i ada experience pasal bed rest fresh ivf, i pun sibuk google bed rest ni, and i buat betul2 seminggu..bosannya...ya ampun...result?alhamdulillah,positif tapi 1st fet bed rest cuma 4 jam, my 2nd fet bed rest cuma 2 jam.both positif,.nak kata bed rest ni ok, ok jugak ..nk kata tak ok pun mcm tak ok jugak.yang penting ialah rest, bukan totally bed rest.bukan apa, takut blood flow jd tak berapa nk flow kalau lama2 sangat..hihi..good luck.semoga dipermudahkan dear..Amin..

    1. better safe than sorry kan sis.. tp ni bed rest pon bagus jgk utk org yg melasak and tak reti dok diam mcm i ni..

  3. qimie, baguslah dah ada idea nak buat apa time 2ww. ada kawan nak mengait la, baca novel la.. i sekarang duk cedok idea je. haha.

  4. good luck.. inshaAllah.. semuanya akan ok..

  5. Haha. Katil bujang pon ok what dari u terbaring dalam bilik. Mana nak? Hehe.

  6. good luck on your ICSI.. kawan saya buat prosedur ni after failing 3 iui and 1 ivf.. she's expecting twin baby girl insyaallah bulan terdekat ni.. tp she had a severe allergy reaction time prosedur, teruk satu badan nek merah2 tapi demi nak bby, bertahan je aa.. apa2 pun REST is a must!

