Friday, June 19, 2015

#9 Road to ICSI - AF is here!

As expected, got my AF today!
Called KL Fert just now to make appointment with Dr. T tomorrow.
For sure besok kena bebel because the other day buat sugar blood test, I got pre-diabetic results.
Tapi semlm 1st day puasa try jugak buat home test sugar checking and the result is 6.9mml.

Hopefully the result will keep going down sbb I dah sehabis baik dah control my sugar intake for the past 1 month.

Besok re-assessment day.
Wahai telur-telur ku, keluarlah dengan jayanya!
Really hope the right ovary punye telur dah boleh nampak sbb masa laps ritu Dr. Ng dah betulkan kedudukan right ovary tu.

Then Dr. T pon nak tgk video my laps procedure ari tu.
Uii seram uii!

And most likely I am required to pay my ICSI deposit by tomorrow.

Semoga Allah permudahkan segala2nya besok.
Seriyes I setiap kali nak g jumpa Dr, setiap kali tu nervous breakdown.
Phobia nak dgr bad news because so far there is really no good news we received ever since we started back the treatment.

But somehow, Alhamdulillah we both managed to encounter those obstacles easily.

Memang masa mula2 dpt news, I will surely broke into tears sbb 1 after another kan but DH really has taught me to be come and be positive all the way thru.
Sekarang ni what I did to make myself to stay positive at all time is by reading all the success IVF/ICSI stories thru google.
Dari situ saya cari kekuatan untuk meneruskan my ICSI journey.
In fact dr IG pon saya dah dpt kawan TTC from Australia !

Semoga Allah akan terus menerus memberikan saya kekuatan untuk melalui perjalanan ini till succeed!


  1. MZ, smg Allah permudahkan... u plan bila start icsi?

    1. ST, kalau ikut Dr. lepas raya. I ni ikut je bila2 Dr ckp good to go.

  2. Good Luck! buat ngn doc Natasya ke?

